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CNC milling

Four More Reasons To Change Your CNC Machining Suppliers

Quality issues and inconsistency… failure to meet SLAs… wrong skill set… late deliveries. These are four of the biggest issues involving suppliers. They make procuring CNC machining challenging and stressful. They waste time and money.

But they’re not the only reasons to change supplier. Here are four more…

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CNC turning of shaft

Four Reasons To Change Your CNC Machining Suppliers

If you’re unhappy with your CNC machining supplier(s) then you don’t need anyone to tell you it’s time to look at other options. But if the jury is still out, this blog post (and free guide) will help you to review your options and decide on the best course of action.

Here are the four most common reasons that procurement professionals – either buyers or specifiers – contact us because they’re unhappy with their existing machining suppliers…

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Aluminium machining of medical device components

Specifying Aluminium Machining For Medical Applications

Aluminium is not like stainless steel: there is no one ‘stand out’ grade that is the first choice for medical devices. There is no ‘316L’ of aluminium.

Instead, as a purchaser of medical component machining solutions, you are confronted with a plethora of aluminium grades – any, all or none of which may suit your specific medical application.

To suggest that’s a challenge is an understatement. But it also offers you a great opportunity to improve quality, consistency and savings. How so? Simply this… you won’t be on ‘316L autopilot’ as sometimes occurs in the world of stainless steel medical components.

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Pharmaceutical engineering component

Specifying 316L And Other Medical-Grade Stainless Steels

316L is usually the first choice for medical manufacturing but it is not the only stainless steel that is available for healthcare applications.

Other grades of medical stainless steel may be better suited for your purposes and/or more cost effective.

But let’s start with 316L. Here is why it is the ‘go-to’ stainless steel for most medical applications…

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Peek machining

Types Of Plastics For Medical Devices

Plastics can be harder to machine than metals: they can be less forgiving. Machining plastics requires specialist expertise – the kind that comes only with years of experience.

But that’s just half the battle. Not every plastics machining specialist has the experience needed to meet the stringent requirements of medical equipment OEMs.

Choosing the right machining partner for medical applications is vital to ensure quality, consistency, validated processes and traceability of materials.

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Processing & Packaging Machining

Five Hidden Costs You Must Eliminate From Your Medical Manufacturing

Medical devices are critical products: lives depend on them. Your company’s life-saving products rely on the quality of the components you specify and the validated processes of the suppliers you appoint.

Consistency of quality is crucial. Your suppliers must maintain that quality while hitting production deadlines with unerring precision.

But you and your team are still under huge pressure to keep costs down; it can feel like a never-ending conflict of priorities. And yet many of those costs should never be there in the first place.

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On a mission to become the engineering company where everyone wants to work and who everyone wants to buy from

Penta has developed a system that enables us to deliver quality parts to our customers; ensuring the same level of service to all, irrespective of where you are based in the UK.

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