Titanium Machining Resources
Titanium Resources
General information, technical properties and UK stock sizes for most of the commonly used titanium grades.
Our customers in the aerospace, medical and chemical processing industries to name a few, have come to rely on our advice and expert knowledge.
We have now made this information readily available to help support our customers when designing components.
In addition to the information below, you can find out more by visiting our titanium machining page or by contacting us.
Client Feedback
"Penta is a precision engineering company that is genuinely customer focused. Their outstanding reliability...is essential in supporting a company operating in the competitive, quality driven health care industry."
Matthew - Product and Process Development
"I would strongly recommend Penta Precision as they are a reliable, honest, UK Manufacturer who's quality is only believable when you see it. The team are genuine, friendly and approachable and unlike some other manufactures it's clear the team believe that 'customer satisfaction' is fundamental for the success of their business."
Lee - Purchasing Manager
"The work was of a sublime level and the level of communication right from the start was outstanding."
Ben - Technician
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