Production Team Leader - Milling

Production Team Leader - Milling



We are recruiting a Production Team Leader for our Milling team. The successful applicant will be able to demonstrate high level technical expertise as well as excellent leadership qualities. They will be responsible for developing and maintaining a high performing team, made up of high performing individuals. 

Mission - Production Team Leader - Milling


To develop individuals to be great technicians, communicators, collaborators and milling team members. To be accountable for continuously improving quality outcomes, throughput, invoiced sales and gross margins generated and thus promote sustainable, profitable growth for the benefit of the whole company and its employees.

CNC machinist behind aluminium billets


1. Leadership, Management and Accountability (LMA) of the milling department

  • Live the Core Values, Passion, Niche and Target. 
  • Continuously improve the EOS five leadership abilities.
  • Continuously improve the EOS five management abilities.
  • Hold quarterly coversations with direct reports.
  • Performing whichever duties are necessary to cover sick, holiday and over capacity loading requirements through the business. 

2. Developing and standardising the work holding, tooling, machining strategies and CAD/CAM programming methods for the Milling Department.

  • Techically develop the work holding, working methods, CADCAM, programming, setting, machining and operation of the department.
  • Implemet and standardise programming, tooling and program filing procedures.
  • Coordiation and collaboration of the team and assist in shop floor planning.
  • Coordiating resolving technical, quality, tooling and working method issues promptly.
  • Coordinating cross training to increase internal security.

3. Developing disciplined people to have disciplined debate and take disciplined action as an aligned team

  • Coach and mentor in communication, collaboration and aligned team working skills.
  • Hold Quarterly Conversations with all direct reports.
  • To ensure production targets are achieved, when required, assist the team to program, set and operate CNC Mills.  
  • Complete any other duties such as supporting the team with sick or holiday cover.

4. Improving the internal and external quality outcomes of the department

  • Assisting with first off inspection.
  • Coach ad mentor robust, secure working methods and in-process inspection.
  • Stimulate a “better tha the norm” quality mind-set.
  • Coducting, coordinating and participating in 8D-NCR investigations.
  • Following ISO9001:2015 procedures and feedback systems.

5. Developing the Milling Department processes to continually improve quality outcomes and workflow

  • Collating, reporting and developing the Milling Department scorecard metrics.
  • Chair the daily ad Milling Department L10 meetings.
  • Ecourage and collate feedback and “red flag” issues.
  • Complete Quarterly “Rock” projects ad weekly “To Do” action items.
  • Continuously improve simplified, “lean” production processes that are documented and followed by all.

Candidate Profile


A business is its people. Healthy, smart, aligned team working is the key ingredient for Penta to thrive and deliver the best work life experience for its employees. Our “guiding lights” are the company’s Core Values, Penta’s business plan (V/TO) and Flywheel, together with the Lean principles of removing the 8 wastes and adding value.

Penta people need to be great technicians, communicators, and collaborators. The company’s strength emanates from having disciplined people, engaged in disciplined debate, and taking disciplined action in the best interests of the company and the whole team.

Penta people are flexible, have a can do attitude, make work enjoyable for all, we are conscientious, and we strive for improvement in ourselves and the company. 


What does that look like in this job role?


When leading and managing the team

  • Expediting decision making when interacting with fellow employees using the “guiding light” to help make the best commercial, common-sense decision to resolve an issue.
  • Maintaining a positive attitude and calm demeanour when faced with difficulties.
  • Adopting a “can do” attitude and rising to the challenging situations that customers present. 
  • At the time of machine breakdowns, quickly assessing, recognising and calling in outside help if required so disruption is minimised.

When developing people

  • Using and disseminating your knowledge and experience to all fellow work colleagues to the benefit of all.
  • Ensuring that Penta remains an enjoyable and safe place of work for all.
  • Encouraging others to look and consider solutions to obstacles encountered before approaching colleagues to help expedite decision making.
  • Encouraging employees to operate multiple (2 or more) machines to maximise workflow without consistent “above the norm quality” suffering.
  • Being clear, balanced and honest, yet sensitive and supportive when giving input.

When improving processes

  • Embracing measurables as a way to watch, learn, internally grow and improve.
  • Leading by embracing new technology and processes, giving them a go and contributing to further improvements.
  • Asking questions rather than making statements to help improve understanding, consider different points of view and make better decisions quicker.
  • Mentoring and encouraging team input and commitment to bed in and sustain improvements.
  • Coordinating and helping the company plan and implement improvement projects as part of the normal day to day activities.
  • Being flexible and working extra hours to help bottom out projects.

When improving quality outcomes

  • Coaching and mentoring robust, stable working methods.
  • Anticipating and planning what first offs are due to minimise disruption. 
  • Affirming that in-process inspection by production employees is a given.
  • Communicating consistently and with respect to employees, whatever their position.

When considering the wider team

  • Helping with material deliveries if you are close to hand and available.
  • Using previously created parts wherever possible when production purchasing to avoid duplication.
  • Being conscientious and setting a good example about the use of personal mobile phones, moments of “respite” and break times.
  • Thinking creatively and being positive. Space is tight because it’s a valuable expense.